Pascal's Triangle

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Are you a true Pascal's Triangle know-it-all? Do you even know what a Pascal's Triangle is? No matter what, this fun and informative quiz will definately help you to learn not only about the mathematical principals of the Pascal's Triangle, but will also teach you about Pascal and his life.

Created by: Binomial

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  1. The Pascal's Triangle is named after
  2. Which row of the Pascal's Triangle is the number 6 first found in?
  3. How many terms are the in the expansion of (1+b)5
  4. How is the binomial expansion of (1+b)n different from (1-b)n?
  5. After expanding (1+b)7, what will be the degree?
  6. Use the Pascal's Triangle to find the first two terms in the expansion (1+b)7
  7. Use the Pascal's Triangle to find the first two terms in the expansion (1+b)7
  8. What number can always be found at the left side of the triangle?
  9. What school did Blaise Pascal attend?
  10. When the index is 3, how many terms will there be?

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