Pace Yourself It's the Famliy Guy Quiz!

I dotn know what to write coz I aint reading the instruction coz I am lazy just like Peter griffen from Family Guy and lets see how mucxh you knoiw about them as I do.

So I still don't know what the difference is between this paragraph and the last coz I am as stupid as Chris griffen I have too wwrite more coz for sum reason you need 150 characters.

Created by: Shannon
  1. Who does Peter hate?
  2. What shape is Stewie's head?
  3. How are loise's parents living?
  4. How many people are in the griffins house?
  5. What type of pet does the family have?
  6. What is the correct phrase that Stewie says?
  7. Who does Stewie think the man on tv is?
  8. What is Peter's job?
  9. When Stewie goes into the future what fake name does he use?
  10. What is Meg's superpower when the toxic waste lands on her family?

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