Overview of HSAs

After reviewing the video, reading the information on the page and reviewing the skinny about Health Saving Accounts, you are ready to take the Quiz.

Just to let you know, the score that you receive on this quiz will not at all affect your course grade. This is just for fun. So you do not have to freak out if you get a low score.

Created by: Group A
  1. Health Savings Accounts were introduced when?
  2. What does HSAs stand for
  3. What does Consumer-Directed Health Care mean?
  4. Who introduced the Health Saving Accounts in 2003?
  5. The tax policy resented the HSAs because of cost sharing but later on accepted it because of benefits.
  6. Health Saving Accounts are for those 65 and under.
  7. Health Savings Accounts were alternatives to what?
  8. With consumer-directed health care, who is more in control of the money
  9. Are employers allowed to open up a Health Service Account and Contribute to it?
  10. Being under 65 is not the only requirement for HSAs.

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