Leveling up quiz(Plz help me level up)

Hi this is a quiz to help me level up so please take it and help me level up please.Like,this quiz is guessing your nationality lol I guess.So,please enjoy!

Also,if you get the Chinese ending,I actually do speak English,that was just me pretending to be Chinese or make it funny,so don’t actually think I don’t speak English.Finally,please ignore all the rude things that the Asian options said.

Created by: hiiamdesiree
  1. Hi!
  2. What would you say to your future children?
  3. Your worst nightmare?
  4. I just need to get 10 questions so-
  5. ndjensjsjjxjdndjdjdnenej
  6. Ssjbjshghjsgsjbhsjhgskjg
  7. Hey Alexa what’s 2+2
  8. Hey Alexa turn the lights on
  9. Alexa:This girl MacKenzie wants to study with you!Me:Nope,not feeling it.
  10. Me:studying

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