Never take this quiz!!!!!

There are some stupid quizzes in the world. Some people are bored so they make a quiz on My quiz is really random so you might not like it.

There are some pretty random and stupid quizzes in the world. Some people are bored so they make aa quiz on I hope you like my quiz. :D

Created by: Abbey

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What grade are you in?
  2. Are you a girl or boy?
  3. What letter does your name start with?
  4. Do you play video games a lot?
  5. Hi! :) :D
  6. Do you like T.V.?
  7. Does this quiz seem fun to you?
  8. You you like somebody?
  9. Can you drive yet?
  10. Do you like juice?
  11. Did you think this quiz was fun?

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