My Very Weird Pointless Movie Quiz

This is a quiz for my movie that I made. Most of you probably won't score at all due to the fact only a few people have seen my movie. But it's okay, because if you have seen it, then you should be able to get a few of them right.

Are you ready to see if you know "My Very Weird Pointless Movie". If you think you do, this is the perfect way to find out. Take the quiz, rack your brain... if you were in the movie, you know the answers...

Created by: yugioh

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  1. In the first movie, what color was the rope that Billy was hanging onto when he fell off of his skateboard?
  2. In the first movie, fill in the rest of what Mr. Issacs said, "Trying to joke around and make everyone laugh at you, just ________"
  3. In the first movie, Tyra says this about the video camera.
  4. In the first movie, what book did Ryan accidentally take out of his bag instead of his history book?
  5. In the first movie, what were Reva's purple hands referred to as?
  6. In the first movie, what was the slinky's full name?
  7. In the first movie, what song did Chelsea and Reva sing when they bit Aaron?
  8. In the first movie, what did we think the Axe bottle said but it turned out it didn't?
  9. In the first movie, Ryan said the quote below, finish it: "I __________ every night."
  10. In the first movie, one of the following things did not happen. Which one?
  11. In the first movie, what was Ryan eating on Picture Day?
  12. In the first movie, Ben said this right before Reva closed out the movie: "If you punch ______."
  13. In the first movie, what led to Issacs' lecture?
  14. In the second movie, how big did I say the hail was during that Unadilla storm?
  15. In the second movie, what did Lynn say he was going to drive?
  16. In the second movie, what was the number 7 interesting thing you needed to know about Microsoft Sam?
  17. In the second movie, what did Chelsea do right after she was done messing around with the grapefruit?
  18. In the second movie, when was the tornado SUPPOSED to hit us?
  19. In the second movie, there was this quote, finish it: "Oh, who would have known, ____ with a tornado!"
  20. In the second movie, what is the song that Chelsea dances to in the car last?
  21. In the second movie, what was Augy's response to Ryan's half-naked hug?
  22. In the second movie, what did Chelsea say about the bad grapefruit?
  23. In the second movie, what was the Super Suction Beverage Device?
  24. In the second movie, what candy did Reva want with the spit out quarter?
  25. In the second movie, how many boobs were touched?
  26. In the second movie, how many times was Flogging Molly sang?
  27. In the second movie, what teacher yelled at Tori for saying "f--- you"?
  28. In the second movie, what was the score when Ryan was trying to make a touchdown on the video game?
  29. In the second movie, what did Tawni say when Billy went to hug Tawni?
  30. In the second movie, what did Jared drop in the parking lot?
  31. Who currently has the most Parachute Guy awards?
  32. What was the reward for Augy's capture as displayed in the end credits?
  33. Who was next to Lynn before he was picked up and carried outside by Billy?
  34. How many people have left the cast so far?

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