My Shoutout Quiz ~Ashl3y's

I love you, you love me, We're a great big family with a great big hug and a... Yeah, I'm not going to get all mushy on you guys. xD hahaha.. Ok.. So.... Sorry ash, I saw I wasn't mentioned so I hacked this quiz. BIG f---ING MASSIVE SHOUTOUT FOR GEEKBIG f---ING MASSIVE SHOUTOUT FOR GEEKBIG f---ING MASSIVE SHOUTOUT FOR GEEKBIG f---ING MASSIVE SHOUTOUT FOR GEEKBIG f---ING MASSIVE SHOUTOUT FOR GEEK

I love you, you love me, We're a great big family with a great big hug and a... Yeah, I'm not going to get all mushy on you guys. xD hahaha.. Ok.. So.... Take the quiz, don't worry it wont bite you in the hiney.

Created by: Ashl3y

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Ok so, first I'd like to start with WTF_Ninja. Oh wow.. You are such a nice person.. and she just is so funny and awesome.. I don't know what else to say about her.. That is just how awesome she is.. So, if you're reading this, You are so nice, and one of my only friends here on GTQ:) You're kinda like my sister in a way. You stand up for me, you laugh, and feel sympathy, and you respect my likes and dislikes. So yeah.. NEXT PERSON!
  2. OK, next is.. of course.. Aria. She is so nice. And sweet. And everything else that was good that you've heard about her. I have been told how she thinks I am amazing. I don't think I'm amazing.. But.. Thanks:)
  3. Another person, Mike of Hyrule or Zelda Fanatic. He is an awesome soaper in my perspective.. And is really nice. So yeah.. Mike, if you're seeing this, I think you're a cool dude and yeah, you're cool. Glad to have you as a friend!! xD
  4. Well, I obviously don't know many people so... I don't really have anymore shoutouts. I feel like such a loser now. Dx
  5. Erm.. WEll if you took my series, I just let out Part 10, so go ahead and read it if you wanna.
  6. ....
  7. Earlier, the door hit my foot and scratched off some of my skin. It hurt like hell. ;(
  8. I probably left out so many people right now,but I'm so dead right now.. Ooh!! Just thought of someone. ok, so DaughterofApollo. You are such an epic writer. And you are so nice!!! You are really talented and a good friend. So yeah..
  9. I love you all on GTQ!! We are all a family who cares and sticks up with eachother. I quit GTQ once. Worst. Choice. Ever. I love it to much to quit. You all are so awesomely epic!
  10. Bye!!

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