My roommate quiz

i am looking for a good roomate and i thought a quiz based on compatibility would help. Of course it wasnt my idea i actually got the idea from some one else is obvisouly a smart person! lol

im really just looking for a room mate that can deal with living the way that i do i understand not everyone can live together hopefully this will help me as well as you to see if we car compatible :)

Created by: Sara
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  3. you current employment status is...
  4. animals...
  5. in my spare time i....
  6. Do you...
  7. i listen to....
  8. how open minded are you....
  9. drama level...
  10. when faced with conflict, you typically resolve things by...
  11. significant other
  12. significant other
  13. place you would most likely shop?
  14. fav color
  15. cleanliness
  16. a roomate to me is
  17. privacy and sharing
  18. manners
  19. criminal background
  20. mental stability
  21. I LIKE 420

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