My friend quiz! How good of a friend are you?

There are some of you that might think you know me pretty well! Whether you do or dont, here is a simple test to find out how much you do know about me!

Get your thinking cap on see how you rate! Remember this is just a test, dont worry if you score low, that just means you suck!! Good luck friends! Here we go!

Created by: Cindy Chambers

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What do i drive?
  2. What is my favorite hobby right now?
  3. How many horses have i owned in my life?
  4. How old was I when I had my first child?
  5. What is my favorite food?
  6. What is my dogs name?
  7. What is my favorite candy?
  8. What is my middle name?
  9. I tried cheerleading once, did I....
  10. If you asked what was my most embarassing momemt, i might tell you..
  11. What was my favorite thing to do as a child?
  12. Who wrecked my snowmachine when we were kids?
  13. I broke my arm once, what did i do?
  14. out of these which would i be most likely to listen to?
  15. What is my favorite fruit?
  16. Who is my favorite actor out of these?
  17. If you gave me ice cream which would you pick?
  18. What is my favorite shampoo?
  19. Which of these havnt i done?

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Quiz topic: My friend quiz! How good of a friend am I?