Murder Mystery 2

Hello! Welcome to the quiz. This is my second murder mystery! If you haven't done my first quiz "Who's the murderer?" Then I suggest doing it before you do this quiz!

If you haven't done it, don't worry. You can still do this one first! Anyways, good luck and have fun. Will you find out who's the murderer? Good luck!

Created by: BiscuitBear37
  1. Which job sounds most appealing to you?
  2. Which job sounds most appealing to you? P2
  3. Roleplay: Your out for an evening stroll and you come across a dead end. Just as you are about to turn back you find some blood splattered on the floor. It looks surprisingly fresh, and it wasn't dry yet. What do you do?
  4. Roleplay: Don't change your answer it will not affect your score. Now, no matter what you chose you decide to investigate! You discover that it is Bailey Smith's dead body! (If you did my first quiz, "Who's the murderer?" then you will understand) Which of these one worded sentences are you most likely to say?
  5. Roleplay: Now we need suspects. Here they are. Two Suspects. One of them innocent, the other a murderer. Let's go interrogate them!
  6. Roleplay: Suspect No:1- Dennis Fletcher, her nephew. Dennis hates his Aunt as she used to-according to Dennis's parents and Dennis himself-beat him up. He seems very cool and calm about the death. Suspect No:2- Ally Jones- A 23 year old who was bullied by Bailey at school. They have kept in contact and are always arguing and fighting over nothing. She also seems very pleased and calm at her old friend's death. So, who is it?
  7. Roleplay: First up, Dennis. Me: So, how do you feel about your aunt's death?" Dennis: Oh, Good. Never really cared about her. I hated her, still do. Me: Did you kill her? *He gasps and face goes red* Dennis: You idiot! Of course I didn't. I'm 17 not a crazy old man. What do you take me for, Daft?Is Dennis the murderer
  8. Roleplay: Lastly, Ally. Me: So, how do you feel about your friend's death?" Ally: She wasn't my friend. She was a bully. And I'm happy. I knew it had to happen some day. Now I can live my life, at least I'll have a good adult-hood with her gone. Me: So, did you kill her?" *Her face goes pale*Ally: Hah, Hah, *laughs* Me kill someone your hilarious. Just kidding. It ain't funny. So why don't you go back to accusing people who aren't me and get out me house"Me: Very Well then. Is Ally the murderer?
  9. Roleplay: We need to search their houses to find more evidence, or have we already figured it out?
  10. Roleplay: We search Dennis's house first. He has only just moved out and has few hiding spots. However we find two pieces of useful evidence. Firstly, a penknife with dried blood which we have detected as O type-the same as Bailey's. We also found a note which read "Meet you at 3:30. Remember keep quiet and wear dark clothes" He refuses to tell us what it's about.
  11. Roleplay: We search Ally's house. Her house takes 2 hours longer than Dennis's as there are many spots she could of hidden evidence. However, we did find a note hanging out of the rubbish bins in the same handwriting as the note we found in Dennis's house. It read "Be there or I'll kill you. Last Chance B" What does B stand for? and could this make Ally the killer?
  12. Roleplay: We need to find this out once and for all. Put them in the same place and listen in to the conversation lets go! *In the room* Dennis: Ugh! This is stupid. Ally: Yeah, I wish I had killed her now it would have been worth all this. Dennis: Don't tell them alright. Please. Ally: Eh? Don't tell them. Coward. I'll let it slip just this once. *we enter* Me: You'll let it slip will you?" WE FIGURED IT OUT! WHO IS IT?

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