
there is always smart , inventable people , but there is few true geniuses. anyway geniuses after all are always quite exceptional.a genuis is a person who has brilliant potential in life and is able to solve complex problems and see the world through entire novel point of view

are you a spectacular genius ? do you have the potential the brain power for that prestigious title ? right until now you could wonder every minute ,second , day ,month ,year if you do. thanks to this quiz , in just few seconds you can find out

Created by: megan
  1. what age do you need to be to drive ?
  2. is fruit and vegetables the only thing that makes you healthy?
  3. are tattoos sore than peircings?
  4. does toothpaste make your teeth shine bright?
  5. does athletic sport does u-sain bolt do ?
  6. what obstical is always on the start of ninja warrior
  7. what is 102 + 316 +614 -96 and take away fourty nine ?
  8. what statagey do you use to make nine in capitals with 13 pencils but only have 1 pencil left
  9. if you spell hannah what other name can you spell that is the same amount of letters?
  10. what planet is closest to the sun

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