Moist Bamboo Potato quiz

"blahblah blahb blahblabh;a;aa blahhh bllahh blarddy blahhahaha blah blah yaya yackit smackit hog zits lemon scuare pies and apple spits maaa hooottt larpy yada hum hooo haaa peas and rice.

"Zip fizzit zig zig plop zorp fizzle nagg nagget hooo laaalaa shoooooop taptap rammadaalooo waaa sip left baabaa hala hoop di la shammmmaaalaammmaa blueeee berry pies and strawberry nuggets laallaa.

Created by: Marcy

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. My favorite colors are...
  2. How much do you like me?
  3. What type of soup would you be?
  4. Do you need me?
  5. If I end up spilling the beans that I love you what would you say in return..?
  6. What favorite food are you?
  7. If your walking down the street and you see a beggar/bum and he asks you for some money would you....
  8. Why do we fit so well together?
  9. which of these would you want from me?
  10. If you didn't want me to go home at the end of my trip would you..
  11. Would you jump off a cliff with me?(some type of failsafe/parashoot included)
  12. The names of my boobs left to right.(my left to right)
  13. Will you protect me,take care of me, hold me, kiss me, ador me,and love me for the rest of our lives?

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