Misophonia: How Much Do You Know

Misophonia is something very few people know about. How about you? Do you know what it is and what it's all about. Take this quiz to test your knowledge.

Do everyday soft sounds bother you, to the point you can't even stand the thought of them? If so, you may be living with Misophonia. Take this quiz to test your knowledge on it.

Created by: Nikki Unger
  1. There are tools available to help those living with Misophonia be able to...
  2. Misophonia is a condition where a person has an extreme emotional response to commonly occurring soft sounds or visual images.
  3. Triggers can be any soft sounds or visual images that create emotional responses of anger and disgust.
  4. The impact of Misophonia:
  5. Before Misophonia was identified, the best diagnosis by a doctor or therapist would have been, "I don't know".
  6. Sufferers of Misophonia have often been told that their condition...
  7. Negative emotions are not the only result to triggers. Triggers also cause physiological responses.
  8. While the actual trigger may only last a few moments, how long can it take for the person to calm down?
  9. People that live with Misophonia are born with it.
  10. Misophonia was first identified...

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Quiz topic: Misophonia: How Much do I Know