Minecraft roleplay: What's your political party?

We have seen many ideologies rise throughout the years. Some have been good, most have been brutal, and all have been questionable. There is no right answer to how to best solve the world but many have tried.

Wether shouting "Long Live Marshall Poe!" "Down with Oppression!" "Homeland or Nothing" or "Better Dead than Red" society has been vastly impacted by politics. Where do you stand?

Created by: Andy

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is the best way to handle the economy?
  2. Should the state forcefully stamp out religion?
  3. Should the media be put in the hands of the State?
  4. How should social welfare be handled?
  5. What is your governing style?
  6. What's your stance on immigration?
  7. What is your nations Foregin Policey?
  8. What is your stance on political freedom?
  9. What is the main duty of the government?
  10. Should the wealthy be taxed at a higher percent than the other non wealthy tax payers?

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Quiz topic: Minecraft roleplay: What's my political party?