Middle School Love Part 1

Welcome to Middle School Love Part 1! I suggest you should be over age 12 to read this unless you're ok with sexual actions. Don't worry I don't make it too dirty lol.

I hope you enjoy the story. If you didn't like it, tell me how to improve in the comments, I'd love to see your reactions. Stay tuned for part two coming soon.

Created by: Laurenxp
  1. It's your first day of 8th grade at your new school. You had to move states because your mom was offered a job there. School starts at 8:00 pm. What time do you wake up?
  2. You arrive at school and accidentally bump into a boy. He has nice, slick brown hair and ocean blue eyes. His beautiful tan skin turns you on. You help each other up and apologize. He says "Sorry I didn't see you there. Are you okay?" You say "Yes.." He looks at you for a second then finally says "Hey you're the new girl! I think. I've never seen you here before. Well are you new?" You say "Yeah I am." He says "Cool! Oh I'm Zach. Nice to meet you." You say "I'm ____ nice to meet you too." You pick up your schedule and Zach peeks at it too. "We have homeroom together," he says, "want me to show you where it is?" You say "Yes please."
  3. Just before the tardy bell rings, you rush into the classroom and sit in an empty seat. Just then, a girl struts over to you. She's chewing gum and wearing a shirt that says "Lach" you think "What's Lach?" She says "Umm that's my seat. Get your butt out of it." She pushes you to the ground and her friends just laugh. "Great," you think "School hasn't even fully started and I'm already being bullied." You sit in a seat next to Zach.
  4. While the teacher is explaining her classroom rules, you catch a boy staring at you. He has blonde hair and blue eyes. He writes something in his notebook and gives it to you. It says "Hi I'm Taylor. You're new here. I know that because I never seen you here." You reply "I'm ____ and yes I'm new." You give the note back to Taylor but get caught by the teacher. "Miss ____ and Mr Hansen, passing notes in my class I see? Next time I see it detention for both of you." Everyone is staring at you and you feel embarrassed.
  5. Your next class is math. As you're walking in the halls struggling to find the classroom, Zach catches up with you. "Hey sorry about that girl that pushed you out of the seat in homeroom. That's my ex girlfriend Lily." You think "Ohh that's why her shirt said Lach. But if you're not dating anymore then why wear it?" In math class you daze off a bit but wake up from a paper ball hitting your back. You read it. "I just couldn't help but to look at your shoes. What the hell are those? Granny shoes? Honey you ain't gonna survive school looking like my 95 year old great grandma." You get angry then look at Lily (you have math class with her too) and she bats her eyelashes at you and smiles. "That jerk." You think. Zach whispers "whatever notes she sends you just ignore them. I think you look pretty. Oop, don't mean to freak you out haha." The teacher is glaring at him and he goes back to paying attention.
  6. At lunch, there's only one seat open. You sit next to a boy with dark brown hair covering his black eyes. His skin is very pale. You get bored so you say "Hi I'm _____. What's your name?" He (not looking at you) says "I'm Ethan.." and goes back to eating. Hmm must be shy. You eat your lunch and don't say anything else.
  7. Lunch is over and your next class is gym. Gym after lunch sucks because you don't want to throw up because of all the running you'll have to do! Zach, Taylor, and Ethan are in your gym class. Taylor comes up to you and says "Hey ____!" You catch Zach glaring at Taylor but you just say "Hey Taylor." He pulls you in the hallway and says "I think you're really hot. Sorry I just had to get that out." You blush and say "Heh thanks. But can we go back into the gym before we get into trouble?" When you're back, Zach comes up to Taylor and says "Yo why were you in the hall? You tryna hook up with her?"
  8. Taylor takes his sweatshirt off and says "Why you mad? Because your only girlfriend was a selfish hoe? Back off dude she's mine." You think "two boys fighting over me is this a dream??" You suddenly notice Ethan in the corner staring into space and playing with his fingers. "Poor Ethan." You think. Not paying attention to their argument, Taylor yells at you saying "You know what lets just ignore this freak. He's always hitting on girls. Don't ever date that sore loser." Zach looks at his shoes with tears in his eyes. Aww. He must've been embarrassed.
  9. You're at your locker at the end of the day and Ethan walks up to you. "Hi." He says. "Hi.." You say. "Um are you busy tomorrow night." He asks. You think that he might like you and ask you out!! Well... maybe. "No why?" You say. "I was wondering if you wanna come over so we can get to know each other." He gives you a little piece of paper with his address on it. "Thanks. I'll be there tomorrow." You say and he walks away.
  10. Cliffhanger! :) hope you liked part one. Stay tuned for part two.

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