Mental Health Quizzilla

I'm supposed to write stupid stuff in here, but its boring and I'm tired of trying to make this quiz, just skip it! I

This is a quiz on mental health. See how much you know about this topic.

Created by: kate

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  1. Repression is an unhealth coping mechanism that is when the person...
  2. Free Floating Anxiety means the person is...
  3. Anxiolytics are for:
  4. Risperdal, Halpol, Zyprexa, Seroquel are all names for what type of medications?
  5. Dissociation is another unhealthy coping mechanism that the person does what..
  6. There are 3 types of Delusions, Grandiose, Reference, and Paranoia. What is a reference delusion?
  7. Lithium is used to help treat what?
  8. Lithium can be very toxic if exposed to great amounts. What can happen to the patient that is on Lithium?
  9. There are 5 types of neurotransmitters that affect your mental health, 2 of them are...
  10. 3 types of Antidepressants are..
  11. Lithium is an Antimania medication so is..
  12. Conversion Disorder is...
  13. Borderline Personality means the person..
  14. What 2 main factors influenced the future of mental health in the 1950s?
  15. When taking MAOIs, people need to avoid what chemical that can be found in aged cheese, yogurt, processed meat and soy sauce?
  16. Omnipotent refers to what?
  17. What happens when a person experiences a severe anxiety attack?
  18. Rationalization is another unhealthy coping mechanism that the person...
  19. Anhedonia is..
  20. A positive symptom of schizophrenia is..
  21. Generalized anxiety disorder is when the person is..
  22. What is the term used for empty nest syndrome.. (it's a mood disorder)
  23. Alcohol is a..
  24. In Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, the words obsessive and compulsive mean what?
  25. Avolition means..
  26. Antiparkinson medications can also be used to treat what?
  27. Somatization Disorder is what?
  28. A person who is in trouble with the law would have what type of personality disorder?
  29. SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) are a form of what?
  30. Some side effects of Antipsychotic drugs are..
  31. What are some side effects of antiparkinson drugs?
  32. Side effects of Antianixety or Anxiolytics are...
  33. Lithium as mentioned before is used to help treat or reduce symptoms of Bipolar, it can be also used for another mental illness...
  34. PSTD is what?

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