Marchall lee vampire prince

A qiuz based on naruto hate if your a hater. Appriciate if your a boss/dude. I hope you like this coz its my first quiz so please be yourself and answere how ever you pleaze

qiuz based on naruto hate if your a hater. Appriciate if your a boss/dude. I hope you like this coz its my first quiz so please be yourself and answere

Created by: thato

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. First Qsn1. Naruto ask to you to preform a transfer justu on both of you (he wants to transfer the fox from him to you)
  2. Pain Captures you thinking your a Jinjuriki but his wrong what to you do?
  3. RP time. As you are training, a demon shuriken almost hits you. You look at it closly and see that it belongs to Itatchi. Wat do ou do?
  4. Hinata ask you about naruto since you two trian together?
  5. Who do you think is gonna die in the last battle betwene naruto and sasuke
  6. Pain and Konan find you ask you to join the akatski. You say!
  7. When you starte your genin year Iruka Sensai pairs you up with
  8. If your were killed same day you became hokage how would you feel
  9. Who would you marry
  10. Naruto turns into the Nine_tailed fox and goes on rampage. Madara controlls naruto attack the leaf. What will u do
  11. Did you enjoy the swag-tastic quiz

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