Magic and Boys Sequel

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YOU MUST READ BEFORE READING THE SEQUEL: I'd just like to thank all of you who took the time to read my series. It means so much because even though in the beginning it wasn't very good, you guys stuck to reading it.

And It also means so much because I know i didn't write this series for nothing. When I thought of abandoning this quiz, you guys inspired me to continue it. And So this Sequel is dedicated to you guys. I love you and thank you so much.

Created by: fireprincess1996

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. (You're first person) It started out as a kidnapping. A misunderstanding. Now these guys are my family. And one of them is my love. We came a long way. With blood, and war, and anger, and fear. I didn't know who I was, But now I'm searching. These past months, they've changed me. It no longer matter's about, "Is any one searching for me? Doesn't somebody miss me?" No, it doesn't matter at all. Because if those people don't know the real me, then they don't miss me. I have everyone I need right here. And I still have a part of my real family. This is the way of life, you're childhood is filled with laughter and happiness. No worries at all. But now that you find out what you didn't know back then, it makes you want to be a kid again. But you know you can never go back. You can't bring back the deceased. You can't fix the mistakes you made back then.
  2. (staying in first person) They say I should have died that day, the way Janise stabbed me multiple times. They say it's a miracle. But I say it's destiny. I was the chosen one, I killed Janise. The reign of darkness has come to an end. But I can not say it will stay that way. All good things always come to an end at one point. The curse will begin again won't it? They say evil always wins, but then they say that the Light One's always end. Maybe I was supossed to be like Janise. Maybe I was supossed to help take over the world. But I wasn't gonna let that happen. No, I broke the curse. For now anyways.
  3. We're fully healed now. The weight on our shoulders is now lifted. We can finally breathe again. Raven says every mutant and vampire alive know's about me. She told me my mother would be proud. Matt, me and Renee's father, came by and he said it was safe for Renee to go with him, his new wife said she wanted nothing to do with us. But of course, Renee chose to stay with me. I told our father he could see us anytime he pleases. Sometimes you just have to forgive someone. Not because you feel sorry, but because you just simply should. Nakia Jae and Atreyu even announced that Nakia's pregnant. We forget the ones who are dead, but my mother is always with me. Weither she's talking or listening. It was her that told me what to do before I killed Janise. I just know it. I didn't just avenge my mother's death, I avenged the death of all Janise killed. They got their justice. Janise is gone. I did change though. When Janise bit me, she left herself in me. Of course that part of herself is trapped. But sometimes change can be good. Sometimes having the same powers can be a bit boring. Even Renee is gaining more powers.
  4. We danced with the devil, and we showed a new power. With the angels in the sky, mourning for our glory. There are still evil ones upon us. They promise to bring their dead masters name back to its full glory. Jay, my best friend or she was, I don't really know where we stand anymore, She's on our side (if already was). Me and ((whoever you love of the three boys)) we're gaining closer. Regaining the time we lost. I can still remember the look on Janise's face before she died, the look in her eyes. Fear, Betrayal, Pain, Confusion. They say it's normal. Well, Anyways, We won, We survived, We cherish life. It's safe to say it's all over now. I still fall down, I still fall apart, but that's just life. Nothing ever stays the same for too long. So as I walk to the cafeteria to meet everyone, I tell myself to breathe and stay calm. As I walk in, I am greeted by smiles and hugs. Renee talked me into training her, but I told her it will come naturally, but she kept trying.
  5. The season now it's winter. The snow falls. Christmas is just weeks away. We all agree to get each other presents. With what money? Well, we still have our tricks. Renee can hack into anything. We live to die another day, We go on until the end. We live forever, till forever ends, or we just become defeated. We are the story people will tell all around. We are our own fairytale. And we will tell our children the story of when our curse came to an end. The white skys never end, just like our determination. It's gotten us this far. The final fight we win. We're theifs, Liars, We're light with darkness within. We aren't hero's, We aren't villains, We aren't devils, But we aren't angels. We're just simply us. Do they expect us to be someone else? We follow each other until the end. We no longer live in hiding. We aren't scared if the world anymore. We are still trying to find ourselves. We don't trust no one but ourselves. And those of us around our circle. We don't know what isn't real. But we don't intend to burn in hell.
  6. We blood promised each and everyone of us to never abandon, to always stay true, stick together, have each other's backs through thick and thin, to always be there through good and bad. There was the rise, and soon it will be time to fall. There will be pain, and there will be loss. But that doesn't matter right now. We're living how we should. Not in fear, not in the shadows. Our powers grow greater. Like we expected though, The vampires who stayed evil, and those who chose to stay with them, they do try to kill us. Do they succeed? Nope. So, To all of you reading the story of how Janise died, of how I ended up living this life, if you're human or not, No matter what, YOU ARE SPECIAL. No one can can choose your destiny. Stand up and scream. Tell the world who you are. Kick some butt in the process. No one can tell you who you are. Example A: Me and all my friends. You're not alone. Run through the storm. Dance in the fire.
  7. Take chances. Fall in love. And if they hurt you, let them go. They aren't worth the tears. If anything, they should be crying for losing you. Take risks. Do something dangerous and exciting. Tell someone how you really feel. Don't let someone control your life. Because nothing is more important than feeling you've accomplished something that someone said you couldn't. And that is the story of my life.. For now.
  8. Alright yes, It's over. Tell me what you think. Do you want another series dedicated to this one? Where it tells you what happens after everything? Comment and tell me, alright?
  9. Sorry if the sequel was boring..
  10. Alright my beauties, Bai. I love you guys!

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