lyrics quiz by rex

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How well do you know these following lyrics? Well or not at all? Find out through this quiz. Thwre is only a few songs but still may be hard rongwt or easy.

How well do you know these following lyrics? Well or not at all? Find out through this quiz. Thwre is only a few songs but still may be hard rongwt or easy. Good luck

Created by: Rex
  1. He said "son have you seen the world? Well what would you say if I said that you could?"
  2. On cold nights in a prayer for dawn. The daylight isn't what she wants
  3. Wired were the eyes of a horse on a jetpilot
  4. Thee roof the roof the roof is on fire
  5. You come to me with scars on your wtists you tell me this is the last night feeling like this
  6. Pushing little children with their fully automatics.

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