Life of a Girl part 2

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I kinda never mentioned Cassidy, but she wont be in it. Tanya either. You met a cute guy. well I got nothing today sorry. blah blah bllah bali

Boys, Girls, everyone finds one girl hot. That one girl is you. Will boys and girls fight over you? See part 1 for this to make sense. LOLOLOLOLOLOOLO

Created by: StarLight2424

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. ******RECAP****** Tanya asks you to hang out. You not knowing it was a date. She tries to kiss you, but you storm off, when you bmp into a guy.
  2. The guy looked at me. He has headphones in his ears. He was hot. He had shaggy brown hair, and brown eyes, that you could melt into. "Uh... sorry...umm excuse me." I mumble. I start to walk away, when he calls me. "Hey Wait! It's Ok. I shudda been watchin where I was goin." he said smiling. I blushed. "Im Samantha, but everyone calls me Sammi." I said. "Wierd. Im Sam." he said. It was creepy. "Wanna hang later?" he asked. "Uh yah sure. Crap! No I cant. Im babysitting! Im so sorry." I said a little pissed off. "Not your fault. Heres my number. Text me." he said smiling. "Heres mine." I said giving him mine. "Well bye." he said, gave me a kiss on the cheek, and walked off. I smiled, blushing. Than I saw Tanya in the backround, with a glare of jealousy. I grinned, and headed home.
  3. When I got home, I immidiatly got a text from Sam. ~~Hey.WyD?~~ I grinned. ~~Nm rlly. home~~ All of a sudden, the front door swung open. Carasoul stood there. "Any day now.?" she asked. "Its ok little sis." I said messing with her hair. Suddenly my butt vibated. Before I could do anything, Cara took it. "oooh he said 'u go 2 Mayfield High? we cud hang' wait i got an email!" she said shoving the phone in my hands. I replied ~~Yah we shud~~
  4. My mom called me from the kitchen. "Yah?" "Well babysitting is off. Diana called and said she cancled. Ok?" "YES!" I almost shouted. I grabbed my phone, ran upstairs, and texted. ~~looks like im free after all! :)~~
  5. ********Time Foward******* You were hanging with Sam and his friends. One of them was mega cute. He had dusty blonde hair, and grass shard green eyes. He came up to me. "Hey Sexy. Im Alec." I blushed, and grinned. "Im Sammi." He touched my cheek. We talked for a while. Alec was really funny. Soon, he tapped my shoulder. "Lets go somewhere babe." he said. We go upstairs to his room. He sat on his bed. You:
  6. Lets say you chose choice 4. You smile and hug him tightly. He lets go of you and grins. I look down. He grabs my chin and lightly brings my head up. His lips reached mine, and we kissed. Soon, we were making out. He roughly pushed me on his bed and took off his shirt. He pulled off mine, too. We pulled off our pants, and were getting into it. He shut off the lights. I felt him grab my B**bs, and I fell asleep.
  7. I woke up completely naked on Alecs chest. He was too. I looked at the time. 5 am. I flipped out. I looked at my phone. 6 new messages. The first was from mom. ~~hey hon. have fun,u slppin ova.~~ The others were from Sam. ~~u went early?~~~~txt me bak. were r u?~~~~u ok~~~~hello~~~~txt bak~~~~im worried~~ I sighed, and lightly slid off Alec. I got dressed, and smiled at Alec. So Hot. I got dressed, and headed home.
  8. I got home and took a hot shower. Than I waved my hair, did my makeup and got dressed. I wore:
  9. I finally take out my phone, and texted Sam. ~~Hey...just read my txts... i ok~~ Sam immidiatly texted back, ~~thank god~~ Than someone I dont know texted me......
  10. CLIFFHANGER!!!!!! Look for Part 2 of Story of A Girl. Cassidy and Tanya will no longer be in it. Srry. You never met Cassidy.
  11. CLIFFHANGER!!!!!! Look for Part 2 of Story of A Girl. Cassidy and Tanya will no longer be in it. Srry. You never met Cassidy.

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