Legally Blonde the Musical

The movie Legally Blonde has just ben turned into a new musical and it is winning over audiences across the country. There are many things about this show that you might not know.

How much do you know about Legally Blonde the Musical? This quiz will help you to find out about your knowledge of this hot new show. Take the quiz and find out if you are a true fan of the show.

Created by: Michelle

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Legally Blonde the musical was based on a movie starring whom?
  2. What school does Elle get accepted to?
  3. The musical was directed by...
  4. The musical was choreographed by...
  5. Who plays Elle Woods in the musical?
  6. Who plays Emmet in the musical?
  7. What other musical featured on our site has Laura Bell Bundy starred in?
  8. What genre is Laura Bell Bundy's new album?
  9. When did the show open?
  10. Who is credited for the music in this show?

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