Learn something about yourself from a stranger!

There are many people on this Earth. I'd love to catagorize them somehow-- that was an idea of a friend... SO much writing... I like writing, but heck... I just hope that I don't offend anyone...

Either way, this is a quiz just to compare yourself to some other people in the world who I HAVE met and learn random facts. See if you enjoy it; if not, I apologize. At least you (might have) learned something.

Created by: Olive
  1. Why are you here?
  2. Do you take pride in being yourself?
  3. Is there a point to life?
  4. Catastrophe. What now?
  5. What do you think is the intention behind this quiz?
  6. Do you get sick of the stereotypical questions found on personality quizzes all over the internet?
  7. Pick one.
  8. What do you think of yourself?
  9. The Latin word for left is:
  10. Do you like the idea of being "random" or "eccentric"?

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Quiz topic: Learn something about myself from a stranger!