Ldshadowlady quiz shadow cadet

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There are a lot of people who know about ldshadowlady but there are only some who are true geniuses a genius is someone who knows a lot about someone else not yourself

Do you think you are a genius? We'll your about to find out in just a little bit thank you for doing my quiz I really appreciate it thank you so much again

Created by: Jennifer

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is ldshadowlady's real name
  2. What is her favorite color
  3. Where did she meet her boyfriend
  4. What is her boyfriends name
  5. What is her boyfriends YouTube name
  6. What is her cats name
  7. What color did her hair used to be
  8. Where was she from
  9. Where does she live
  10. What color is her cat

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