Kittens or Puppies?

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Maybe you aren't a kitten person, or a dog person, take the quiz to see if you are kittytastic or doggysome! You don't get the right answer? Take it again!

Are you a kitten, or a dog? Do you have the doggy wit or the kitty climb? You could use the quiz to find out.. If you aren't satisfied, retake this quiz.

Created by: Hayleigh
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you lazy?
  2. Are you playful?
  3. Are you a cat or dog person?
  4. Dogs or Cats?
  5. Fav animal out of these 6?
  6. Color out of these 6?
  7. What is ur personality?
  8. How many kitten do you have?
  9. How many kitten do you have?
  10. Puppies?
  11. You liking?

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