Kentucky Derby Expert

There are many smart bets being made at the Derby. Derby is, afterall, a good time. What is the Derby? The greatest 2 minutes in sports! So let's see your knowledge of Derby history and fun facts!

The Kentucky Derby is THE event, for Louisville, KY. There are lot's of novel facts that not too many people know about it. Take this little quiz and see how lucky/smart you are! Go, Go, Go!!!

Created by: Joseph S.

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  1. The 1ΒΌ-mile distance has been standard since 1896. The first 21 Derbys were contested at:
  2. _______________ in 1891, was the last African-American trainer to win the Derby.
  3. Only six women have ridden in the Derby. Diane Crump was the first, in 1970, and none finished better than ____.
  4. Southern hospitality surrenders shamelessly to greed on Derby weekend, when you can pay at least $_____ a night for a Louisville motel room that costs $_____ any other time.
  5. Derby is also called "___________".
  6. Who was the youngest jockey to win the Derby?
  7. The attendance at the first ever Kentucky Derby was:
  8. Secretariat was the fastest at 1:59.40 in 1973. Who was the slowest?
  9. Which of the below is an actual name of a Derby runner?
  10. Churchill Downs is located at:

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