Kelly fun time quiz

Choose wisely. The outcome effects the rest of your natural ... well, day. But don't think too much about the answers. Each outcome is sure to please. And if not, you get your money back.

For some reason the webmasters are requiring not only one paragraph with one hundred fifty characters but TWO paragraphs with one hundred fifty characters.

Created by: thomas

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. To which smell would you prefer awaken?
  2. Whose accent do you find sexier?
  3. What garment do you find the most comfortable?
  4. In what movie would you like a walk-on role?
  5. Which CD would you play for a relaxing bath?
  6. If you had to travel lightly what would you bring for cutlery?
  7. IF you had to help name a friend's tabby what would you choose?
  8. If you had to choose a weapon to protect you in the woods it would be?
  9. And a backup close range weapon?
  10. If you won your choice of a free plant for your office what would you choose?
  11. What animal would you like sewn into a pair of socks?
  12. Preferred battle cry!
  13. Preferred mode of travel.
  14. Lazy afternoon tea choice:
  15. Walking in the woods:
  16. What number am I thinking of?
  17. Which character would you choose in a virtual reality adventure game?
  18. Final wishes:

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