kamal haasan quiz

You are about to take the kamal haasan quiz.there are going to be questions regarding his movies.He is the most versatile actor in the tamil industry.More than that he is a great technician and a perfectionist

The questions are going to be quite easy if you follow kamal's films.Let us see if you are true fan of the universal hero Padmashree Dr.kamal haasan.In just a few minutes you will find out.

Created by: datta prasad of A mixed bag
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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. To start off with an easier one..which movie is inspired by Mario puzo's Godfather series?
  2. kamal sang a beautiful song and was almost about to win the National award for 'Best Male playback singer' for that year. Due to a silly reason (he was not a registered member of the playback singers' association), he couldn't get it. which movie am i talking about.
  3. kamal has earned nominations for best actor and best supporting actor for the same movie and won one of them at Filmfare Awards.which movie??
  4. what is the name of the bull that acted along with kamal in virumandi
  5. how many films kamal and madhavan acted together
  6. which kamal's movie is inspired by the english movie planes,trains and automobiles
  7. which was the first movie kamal worked as a director
  8. kamal is often compared to tom hanks.the scene in which he rescues hostages in aalavandan is a rip off from which hanks movie
  9. who gave him the title kalaignani
  10. In which movie did kamal write his first song

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