Justice for women

This quiz will tell how well you read the essay and to see if you really saw the details. You have the opportunity to show me how good you are. So this is the chance to give your best.

Do you really think you're a genius reader? Well now is the time to show how well you read, and how awake you were. This quiz will help you know to see if you are aware of some little details that you consider unnecessary, but help you understand better the essay

Created by: Patricia
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Ellen Goodman won the Energizer Prize in 1980?
  2. What's the purpose of the essay?
  3. In the first paragrapgh, Goodman talks about her past?
  4. Are Bush's speeches contradictory?
  5. United States and Colombia signed the treaty of women's rights
  6. What kind of excuse USA has given to avoid this treaty?
  7. John Ashroft was the man who ________
  8. ___________signed the torture convention.
  9. The elimination of the treaty could criminalize__________.
  10. Does the author supports Bush's administration?

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