Josh's shout outs

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I have been here for a few months and Its... I guess im happy being here on GTQ.. Gosh GTQ why must i write this shall pay!! I dont know what i just wrote

Sigh... I guess this is the price i need to pay.. Just let me go im on winter break for god sakes...yo why you still reading this!! Its a waste of your life

Created by: IAmJosh

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Senpai Ghetto~
  2. Cody
  3. Jinx
  4. DreamOfNight
  5. Sademogirl
  6. Canada dude
  8. Shadowmere
  9. Tisjellypenguin
  11. SG115
  12. The Coldest Sun
  13. Emarsh
  14. Ronnieradkefan
  15. Jozy
  16. Cruz
  17. Zankyou315
  18. Dawson
  19. Cindythecat
  20. I think thats it. Sorry if I forgot you

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