john cena in and out of ring

There are a lot of people that think they know John Cena but do you have what it takes to have questions ask to you about childhoo, adulthood, in the ring and dvd. These questions are scattered throughout his life to the age 30.

So if you think you have what it take then take 3 deep breaths and get ready for 40 questions on john cena. Some people that dont know him as well be prepared for a challenge that will leave you wondering and thinking all night.

Created by: Andrea
  1. John cena was born on what Day?
  2. Name john cena 4 brothers?
  3. John cena mom name is?
  4. At birth john cena had the cord wrap around his neck how many times?
  5. During the time john cenas parents got divorce he was to busy do what?
  6. why did john started lifting weights?
  7. john cena went to prep school at what age?
  8. what age did john get his first lifting bench?
  9. What number child is john?
  10. what was john doing when he was confronted and ask to try wrestling?
  11. what college did john go to?
  12. what postion did john play in football?
  13. what did john want to be when he grew up(when asked at young age)
  14. who did john see wrestling on mtv that caught his eye for wrestling?
  15. what were johns number in football?
  16. in west newbury where did john lift weights?
  17. where did john move to prsue american body building?
  18. At age 17 john had to take a test to be tested for what?
  19. john cena got nhis start on what wrestling shows?
  20. john got drafted on to what show on june of 2005?
  21. At wrestlemania 24 what shirt was john wearing?
  22. John always has a special entrance at wrestlmania how did he come out at wrestlemania 24?
  23. who did john wrestle on wrestlemania 21?
  24. At wrestlemania 22 who did john wrestle and win?
  25. who did he wrestle at wrestlemania 23?
  26. john cena had a triple threat match with?
  27. john cena got hurt wrestling who?
  28. john cena rip?
  29. how old is he?
  30. john cena made he suprised return on what ppv?
  31. John cena album is called?
  32. john cena album debut what number?
  33. What is johns respond when asked about if he took steroids and what is he's opinion?
  34. how many times did john get engaged?
  35. in the i quite match with jbl what did jbl hit john with to make he bleed?
  36. what does his 2 necklace say?
  37. what does john cena 5 question shirt say?
  38. what is his dvd called?
  39. how tall is he, what size shoe does he wear and weight?
  40. how many wishes did john cena grant for make a wish foundation?

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