Its Britney B----!

You know her name is always in everyone's mouth! Which Britney Era are you? Which Britney Era is your favorite? Are you headed down a Dangerous Britney path?

In 1998 she was so sweet, and cute, America's girl next door! Now she can't even blink without a scandal!On the Britaney Time line, where do you match up?

Created by: Kathryn
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you were a Celebrity, you're best friend(s) would be?
  2. For dinner last night you had...
  3. Assuming your 21... that last time you drank was...
  4. My boos are...
  5. I have __ Children
  6. When I'm stressed I...
  7. Tomorrow I will...
  8. The paparazzi...
  9. Your Favorite outfit is...
  10. You hair...

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