Is Your Period Bad

Some people have really bad periods. Take this quiz to find out how bad your mensteration is. Please no guys or people who don't have there periods yet.

Some people have really bad periods. Take this quiz to find out how bad your mensteration is. Please no guys or people who havent started there period yet I don't think you will like this quiz.

Created by: Sweetheart
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your worst symptom?
  2. Do you have a heavy flow
  3. Are you glad you have your period?
  4. Does your period embarrass you?
  5. Are you like me and got your period young if so was it embarrassing and you kept it to your self or was it amazing
  6. What do you need on your period
  7. On your period are you an emotional wreck
  8. Do you think your period sucks
  9. do you have bad PMS?
  10. Byeeeeeee

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Quiz topic: Is my Period Bad