Is your guy right for u

Have you been wondering if you and your guy are just right together. We'll wonder no more just take my quiz and you will find you answe you have been seeking,

No matter what do not get mad at me it is just a quiz. Oh yeah be honest. Thank you guys so much hope you enjoy my quiz. I repeat please be honest with the quiz and yourself thanks.

Created by: Heyimbee
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When you walk past him what does he do?
  2. When you ask him to go out to the movies, what does he do?
  3. His he ever concerned about you
  4. Does he try to make you laugh at all?
  5. When he smiles at you, what does it look like?
  6. Does he ever talk about other girls?
  7. Does he often ask you on dates?
  8. Does he flirt with other girls
  9. Does he help you with homework?
  10. Did you like my quiz?

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Quiz topic: Is my guy right for u