Is your friend a true one?

Are you sure your closet friend is a real one? Should you listen to your parents that he/she is evil? Take this quiz to find out and answer your questions.

Old attraction is more weak than newer attraction. How do you know your friend is a real one? Well, sometimes you can't find out yourself so we must answer the most serious one: should we still be friends?

Created by: Robin
  1. Are you ready? These questions are really going to unfold the truth so be honest if you REALLY want to know!
  2. Do ya'll fight alot?
  3. Does she accept your postive self?
  4. Does he/she make you do stuff you don't want to do?
  5. Does he/she steals stuff from you?
  6. Does he/she hurt you in anyway?
  7. Do you know each other well?
  8. Do you hang out alot?
  9. Does he/she commit crimes?
  10. Do your parents apperciate him/her? THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!

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Quiz topic: Is my friend a true one?