Is she really your best friend?

Sometimes there are people you never really know if you should continue being friends with them. There are the friends that only like you when you're alone, and the ones that like you all the time. So, how can you distinguish between them?

Do you want to know if she is worth your time or if you should buy her more gifts for what she has done for you? Thanks to this great quiz, you can find out in a few minutes! Enjoy, buddy, enjoy!!

Created by: Courtenay + Steph
  1. When you wink at her does she...
  2. Does she wait for you until you've got your books at the lockers?
  3. Does she call you as much as you call her?
  4. How often do you have sleepovers?
  5. When you make a fool of yourself, what does she do?
  6. If you try on a skirt at the mall, and she's got the same one, what does she say?
  7. Does she have the same interests as you?
  8. Does she mind being seen in public with you?
  9. Does your friend stand up for you?
  10. Have you enjoyed this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Is she really my best friend?