How Basic Are You?

Are you basic? Do you want to know if you are? Awnser a few questions to see if you are. This could be a bad or a good thing to you but i would take this quiz.

Are you basic? Want to be basic? If you arent basic you can follow some of the questions to be basic or try not to follow the questions to not be basic.

Created by: Person
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like starbucks or caribou
  2. you like pop music
  3. You are wearing arepostle,american eagle or hollister
  4. You play a sport
  5. when i asked you qusetion 5 you didnt have to look at your clothes because you always know what you are wearing
  6. are you dating anyone
  7. You take pictures of your starbucks and post it on snapchat
  8. You take pictures of your starbucks and post it on instagram
  9. You make musically videos featuring your starbucks
  10. You have all of these apps

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Quiz topic: How Basic am I?