If you like two guys, which one should you choose? | Comments

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  • I like Person 1, but I'm helping him and his girlfriend (my bestie) actually talk to each other. We're only 12, after all. I feel like I like Person 1, but I want to help my bestie and him have a stronger relationship. I can still secretly like him, right? He teases me (in a joking way), makes me laugh, and we hang out all the time. I feel like he only does this because I've been helping them. We've gotten to become better friends, but deep down inside, I'm not really sure if we are. Help! (I can be friends with this dude, right?)

    confuzzeld bee
    • But I mean... do I really like person two? He is funny, teases me. in a joking way, and makes me laugh. But he does that to everyone.

      confuzzeld bee
  • So Person 1 I have know them for a year now.We met at a sports thingy and we have similar interests.Sometimes we make eye contact but we never talk.When we do he is either nice.Sometimes he is a bit arrogant around other people.I already now none of his friends like me.Person 2 he is nice and always makes me laugh.He always teases me.My friends like their friend group.(I think he friends think I am alright.None of my friends know that I like either of them(not even my really close friends)I dont know what to do?

    • And I see them at school almost everyday

  • Person 1 is a guy in my school, I had a crush on for a month now, I kinda relate to him and love how hes carefree and outgoing, and he never fails to make me laugh, hes kinda my friend..? I cant wait for the class when we sit next to each other etc I have no idea if he likes me back tho. Person 2 is a guy who told me he liked me not too long ago and that I rejected because I didnt have feelings for him at the moment, I dont really talk to him but when I do, Im myself and I feel comfortable around him, a couple days ago I realized that I kinda liked him now that he for sure didnt like me anymore, and he said he liked someone else. So I dont know what to do and who I like now :,)

  • Person 1 really show that he cares about and likes me and me smile and blush everytime but he is busy this days most days because of university but it make me sad when we don't talk much and make me feel loved and so beautiful and sexy

    Person 2 he like me too but idk my feelings about him he makes smile too .make me feel beautiful and hot .idk I care about both ...

  • Person one was my current boyfriend of 3 years. Hes my soulmate. We 100% have a deep connection that I've never had with anyone else, however i have cheated on him in the past (hes aware, he forgave me, we moved on). Person two was an old colleague i met 3.5 years ago. We were talking seriously when we first met until I found out he had a girlfriend, then it became an on and off friendship for years. Any minor-major event that happened in my life I would message him out of the blue about.

    About 2 months ago person 2 came back into my life. Hed got a new job (his dream job which meant he traveled a lot). We've been talking seriously again and I've started to develop feelings. About a month after P2 came back i broke up with P1 as I didn't want to cheat on him again. I thought our spark had fizzled out.

    Cut to now, I've tried cutting ties completely with p1 but every time i do i need him back. Hes my best friend. P2 is getting annoyed with me for going back and fourth, understandably. I DONT KNOW WHO TO CHOOSE

  • LOVE THIS QUIZ. Thanks for the help. So you know your quiz was fun and I really liked it. Yours was better than some of the top quizzes. I wanted to let you know.

  • So person one is my brothers best friend so a year older but he's cute and knows I like him, they both like anime, both weirdos. But person 2 is HOT and charming but I absolutely love teasing him! We sit next to each other in English and he's my type. But I kinda hate him, he corrects me a lot! And is annoying I call him to Luis, and Ajax, cause he looks like Ajax from Wednesday when he has his hat on.

  • Person 1, Don, who was the hotter guy and the one I was flirting with. Person 2 was more innocent and had a kinder heart, so I kinda cared about him. But, still Person 1, so accurate

  • Person One, whose name is Oliver.

  • I like 2 different guys I both talk to (dont judge but its through discord -v- I know its not a great start) but theyre both friends in this huge friend group we have and Ive known them both for about 2 years- person 1 is a sweet guy to me- I like him but recently after he finally might be showing interest back I feel more attracted to person 2! So stressful bc I dont want to break his heart knowing I like person 2 as well and am sorta leaning towards him more. Person 1 talks to me the most throughout the day and we play games together- imma be honest on his looks- they arent very impressive but I like him bc of how he acts(giving me his time, sharing about his and asking about my day, always checking up on me) while person 2 is harder to talk to- he and I have more in common and I love that about him, we sometimes talk about similar experiences and stuff and I can understand him very well he hasnt given many signs of interest with me but I lowkey wish he would. Person 2 is stunning, I mean in my eyes anyway- he is very sweet when he wants to be and matches my vibe(if that makes any sense) I like when he shares about himself but I usually am so silent bc idk what to say back even if I have an interest in that topic. I dont know which I want to be with but I am kinda leaning towards person 2 even tho he hasnt shown much interest in me- why are relationships are so complicated

    • I had a relationship with person 1 although it didnt go very well.

      He cheated on me but I forgave him and moved on,but Persin 2 seems more interested in me.Person 2 gives me time for things,patient,makes me laugh,interacts with me and I feel comfortable with him.Other than person 1 cheating on me,he is quite cute.So I cant choose either for a boyfriend.But person 1 also interacts with me and makes me feel more like myself.Then person 2 and I went out with each other and person 1 was my very close best friend at that time.Me and person 2 went on holiday to Hawaii and he played everything expensive in the shops and the restaurants.But then,We broke up because his bossy girl best friend kept saying oh shes ugly,dont date her she looks weird,I know her shes mean stuff like that.So which one do I choose?Please help someone!!!!???

  • So, I started dating person 1 in October and in November I found out he was in another relationship with a girl in another country i was upset and frustrated so I went out with another person and now I am in relationship with both of them but I love person 1 so much but person 2 show me all the love and he is dating me alone but I have no love for him because my heart can't stop beating for person 1. Please I need advice

  • Though the second guy also is funny but we mostly talk when we meet only,but I sometimes have this kind of rejected feeling if the first guy told me he want to come sometimes and sometimes I will be happy

  • I love guy 1 and 2 but the first guy use to call me but the second guy didn't use to call me though I never tell nothing of them yes bcoz the second guy ask me to take my time when I told him I want to think about it and I don't know what to do

  • yeah true i would have no future with person 2 theyre just some guy i stare at in english class while person 1 is my best friend that i was holding hands with yesterday-

  • Person 1 ive knowen for months and person 2 i met 5hrs ago person 2 i know likes me and i like them we have a very close relationship and were both poly

  • I'm going in for number 1..im more leaning towards him.

  • So P1 (old crush i liked for 6 yrs (ik ik)), he doesn't go to my high school but we are still in the same friend group online. I liked him for a while and i found out he liked my bsf. (Its fine i still love her tho). I was shaken for a while and really depressed. I got over him (i haven't but i'll get to that)

    P2 Someone I met in High school we are really close friends and Its nice hanging around with him almost like a bsf, however idk if im feeling more. I really dont know if I like him and im really unsure.

    Recently i feel like im not over p1 and idk what to do idk if i like P1 again and/or I have a crush on P2

    Can someone provide Help? Please ive never been in this situation

  • I have liked person 1 for about a year now but recently have started liking person 2. I know that person 2 likes me back and i dated her for a week but then realized i still like person 2. Person 1 is the sort of person everyone has a crush on. 5 ppl have a crush on her. Person 2 on the other hand is the cute, crazy girl in the friendship group. I get along with both of them. Who do you think i should choose and how can i get over the other person?

    • I know person 1 has a crush on someone but i dont know who - she lied about who it was and now I can't trust her anymore - but i still can't stop liking her for some reason even though I know it would be better not liking her. She is a really good friend - apart from the lying - but I never know what goes on in her mind. She's super pretty aswell and has an awesome personality and isn't afraid to be herself. (She's also quite tall)

      person 2 has a crush on me but as I can't get over person 1 I can't date her bc i would just feel trapped like I did before. She's really cute and isn't afraid to be herself either. (She's smaller than me)

      On the test, it said i would be better off with person 2.

  • 58% Person 1
    42% Person 2

    Ok so I met Person 1 in First Grade and Person 2 in Second Grade. And I guess Person 1 is right for me since not only we met before Person 2 but he was always there for me until this stupid pandemic came in. Anyway Person 2 is not a weirdo. He is funny and kind so please don't call him a weirdo. Anyway good quiz.

  • I got person 1. ninety-something percent. Both were from a fandom XD

  • Your Result: Person 2 58%

    You DEFINITELY need to choose person 2. I think you would have a MUCH more successful relationship with him/her than with that other weirdo. Lol! You seem to be more attracted to this person, and you have deeper feelings for them.

    Me: Ahem! Weirdo? That's What I Like About Person 1! And Person 2 Is Just From A Fandom. Great Quiz I Guess Though.

    Horror Lives 2
  • Person 1 (D) is someone I've known for about the same time as person 2 (G), 5+ years. They're both in the same friendgroup as I am. Let's start with person 1. Since the first time I saw him, I thought he was attractive. I am a very extra, open and social person. He's also social, but he's kinda shy, so it takes him a while to open up. When I got to know the real person 1, I was surprised. I liked his sense of humor, his kindness, his way of seeing things and he's kinda clingy. We hanged out a couple of times, and the last one was fall 2020. We went to the mall together with a group (including my mom LMAO) and we were continously together. My female friend told me it seemed like we were a couple. He teased me a lot that day and I really enjoyed his company. He's definitely attractive, he gets a lot of attention of girls, but it's like he doesn't care. There are a couple of things tho, I don't know if he likes me as I like him, I catched him staring at me a couple of times, he laughs and smiles a lot when I talk to him, but I just want to know if he likes me. Wwe don't really talk via social media, just in person (DO Y'ALL HAVE TIPS FOR ME TO CONNECT HIM AND HANG WITH HIM IN PERSON OFTEN PLEASE THANKS), aaannndd, I know, I know... he's becoming 19 and I'm becoming 15... Kay person 2, I've known him for a long time too. I know he likes me, he never atmitted, but he hints and teases as well. I can talk about anything with him, and he's funny, but I don't know how our chemistry is in person, I haven't seen him since summer 2020 because of the pandemic, and the feelings started in winter 2020. He's becoming 18 and I'm becoming 15 (LOL I KNOW I LIKE OLDER GUYS OKAY OKAYYYY) There's a thing... in my opinion his mindset is like typically a 17-year-old, and I'm kinda annoyed by it sometimes. I'm 14 but I'm intelligent and my mindset is like that of a 30-40-year-old, which can cause troubles sometimes, but it's beneficial at most occasions. I'm physically more attracted to 1 (

    • D) and mentally as well. There's more sexual attraction with 2 tho if you understand what I mean. We're in the same friendgroup, so recently we had an online groupcall with a couple of 15 friends, and 2 noticed the chemistry with 1 and became kinda jealous (LMAO THAT WAS SO CUTE). I talk to 2 more often, that's why my feelings are stronger for him then for 1. I think you might feel like I'm crazy because I'm 14 and they're 17-18, but it's because of the mindset older males are attracted to me and I'm more attracted to them. My mom knows both of them and likes them both. My dad knows them too and thinks they're okay, he doesn't really develop a bons with my friends. What should I do? Any advice and tips will be appreciated <3

  • Peron one is my boyfriend we been together 4 times and we have this on and off relationship. He is sweet and cares for me but he's bad for me but when we are together its perfect. Then person 2 we have known each other just as long as me n my now boyfriend they are in the same grade and graduated a year earlier than me. me and him have been talking and he makes me feel happy and he admitted finally ( before i gave person 1 another chance i asked him if he liked me he said he liked me but refused to tell me if it was more than a friend or not saying that we would never know) and then the night i decided to date person 1 person 2 told me he does have feeling for me. I know he is caring but I'm scared imma regret it if i end things with person 1 for person 2 since me n him never have tried dating before. My parents like both of them for me since person 1 would always make sure im ok and person two makes me happy and they can tell he cares. I dont know what to do I dont wanna hurt anyone..

  • There are these two guys i like, person 1 i have know since we went even in school yet and person 2 which i have known his since fist grade, guy 1 is bu and guy 2 in pan, while in having a gay panic about which one i like more, they have both asked me out, while i feel more open around guy 1 and guy 2 is like a perfect human, he dances amazing and is taller than me and teases me alot while guy 1 is also taller than me but dosent tease me which makes me more comfortable around him but the test said guy 1 so im gonna trust the test-

    • Ya you should if he makes you feel more comfortable around him you should go for it

  • So person 1 is my ex I just broke up with today for another guy (person 2) Person 1 always made fun of me and Im sensitive so it hurt me but he always said it was a joke. Person 1 is also in the same grade as me and we have some classes together. Ive been introduced to his family. Ive kissed him and hugged him. But we had an issue lately. Person 2 makes me laugh a lot. Hes a grade younger than me but we play tennis together. He makes me really happy.


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