I just got an idea!!!!! :D

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Hello everybody, Firey_Soul here. I have an idea that I like, but I don't know if anyone else will. This is why you need to take this quiz. I wanna know what you think.

Paragraph 1 explains it all. Just take the quiz, ok? :P I like pie. Do you like pie? 'Cause I like pie. Great, now I'm starting to sound like my BFF.

Created by: Firey_Soul

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Hello peoples of the internet. :)
  2. I have something to tell you! :D
  3. So y'know the series that comes out every Monday, Ian is Bored?
  4. Yeah, well I was thinking I could do a series of my own called "Allissa is bored."
  5. No, I will not be making youtube videos. I'm not a hot 24 year old guy, I'm an average looking 14 year old girl. Plus my camera isn't the best for shooting video. No one would watch a girl who isn't all that cute in crap-quality videos. :P
  6. Instead I shall write random, but intresting things... kinda like I usually do but instead of a bunch of tiny, not well thought out things, I will focus on one subject. These things could be short stories, poems, my thoughts on a certain subject, a personal experience I've had... anything really!
  7. I think I might post this stuff on gotoquiz because I'm kinda popular here. Since my quizzes never show up on the new quiz list, be sure to check my profile regularly.
  8. Or I could post it on wattpad. Hey! What about both! Maybe the people on wattpad might find this stuff intresting. Or I could just write it to keep myself from dying of boredom. xD
  9. Okay, if I promise a new "Allissa is Bored" every Monday, I just know I'll break that promise... so I'm not going to do that. I'll be writing "Allissa is Bored" whenever the heck I feel like it! xD It might be more than once a week though, I am seriously addicted to writing. :P
  10. Please comment if you would read "Allissa is Bored." Thank you!!!! x3

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