I guess this is a shoutout quiz?

It's a shout out, everyone a shout out! Why, what a shout out! So marvelous, so exquisite! Ten out of ten, would take again. Thank you, quiz takers, now down below!

It's a shout out, everyone a shout out! Why, what a shout out! So marvelous, so exquisite! Ten out of ten, would take again. Thank you, quiz takers, now take the quiz!

Created by: The Chicken

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. So, shoutout quiz because I'm a stupid person who wants the people they consider friends in the limelight.
  2. First goes to.. RedRose, for letting me into their soap, Salem Academy! If it wasn't for that, I don't think I would have Ver really talked to anyone.
  3. The second is given to.. The Puppet! Even though you ate me, you are a nice person who makes excellent soaps!
  4. Third is Jinx! You're an awesome person who I love soaping with. I do wish I talked to you more.
  5. Bronze Medal is Zank, for putting up with my sometimes questionable music.
  6. Next is Cody. Even if we don't talk much(at all) out of soaps, you know Silent Hill, and usually put up with my crappy role-playing.
  7. Reagan goes here, for being a kind individual, and putting up with my crap in the friendliest manner I've seen in a while.
  8. Care-bear goes here, for putting up with my crappy role-playing skills and not saying a thing.
  9. You know what? I have to put Katqueen here. Even though I may not have any fond feelings of you, I don't have any terribly bad ones. You may act a bit childish, and type before thinking, but you seem to be a nice soul around here.
  10. Last one goes to the three people who say I suck on my poll! I dunno if you really do, or if your just joking around. I know I was when I said I was a terrible person, but it got me a laugh. Depending on what you wanted out of that, good job/you failed!

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