hunger games love story!

This quiz is about the hunger games. Its not the best it kinda sucks but its my first I can't wait to make more.But keep going your still like it I know you will.

Guess what its the middle so you should be almost down. How is it? Do you like it I did but thats me. I like many things so that is just me.I hope you try my nexted one.

Created by: happypuppy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. ever morning you go hunting with your throwing knifes and bow. You see a big deer and climb in the trees.
  2. The deer makes a glow in your eyes. You pull back the bow when you fall 20 feet down the tree.
  3. you grab your bow and run home crying because you know your 2 year old sister and 12 year old brother want have nothing to eat.
  4. your run and run till your on the road of the street when you fall over the guy that works for the meat store. He has black with little waves in his hair and bright green eyes.
  5. He looks you way but your to busy fighting back the tears that went in you eyes how the thought of how retarded you looked.
  6. before you say a word inside your house the hunger game bells go off were you take your mom and the kids up to the center of the town. You look over to see the boy staring at you.
  7. it gets to district 12 when you hear your name go off and that stupid boy you think about the mean words go in your head. But knowing you have to go you let go of your moms hand and hear your sister and brother screaming for you to come back you keep going.
  8. welcome new comers they say and ask you to say something and without thinking you say yes.
  9. (about time to tell how you look) hair- dirty blonde eyes- blue age-15 name- rose smith
  10. you have said good bye and are ready to go on the train. Your heart feels like it stops forever as soon as you see your family get smaller and smaller as the train leaves.
  11. sorry get the 2 part to this!!!!

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