how will i die?

there are many ways to die and i thought hmm how will i die so i made a quiz to see! i think i wont die and i will create an invention to prevent me from dying lol.

how will you die? do you have to watch your back at night? i dunno why u asking me? TAKE THE FLIPPING QUIZ AND FIND OUT NOW OR FOREVER HOLD YOUR PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: happyharibo123
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you want to die?
  2. do u like creepy stuff
  3. if i killed you what would you say
  4. meow?
  5. do u like?
  6. choose the one that represents you most
  7. who is your favourite
  8. pick a colour
  9. do you like my quiz
  10. the quiz is over you lose!

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