How well do you think you know me...

Ok, so if your taking this you know my name, gender and age..but do you know anymore than that about me...have we been freinds that long?..or are you a great guesser.. my life is hectic but i love it, my personality is unique.....good luck in seeing how much you know me

Who will be ranked top on this quiz...let me know your percent ..I am curious to see who all knows me that well...I just randomly made these questions up...I am bored and I was really wondering how people would respond to the qustions...well i am dying to know your responces...

Created by: Audra
  1. What is my middle name?
  2. What insturment do I know how to play?
  3. Who was my first true love?
  4. What is my favorite color?
  5. What body part(s) have I had surgery on?
  6. What is my favorite sport to watch
  7. Easy one... what sport did I play for 15 yrs?
  8. What is my favorite animal?
  9. What is my most cherished possession?
  10. How many places have I lived since highschool?
  11. What is my favorite flower?
  12. Where was I born?
  13. What activity do I do in my spare time?
  14. What do I collect?
  15. Who was my neighbor growing up?
  16. Who have I known longest/been friedns with longest?

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Quiz topic: How well do I think you know me...