How well do you really know Titanic

there are many people out there who think the know everything lets see if you really know your stuff.I hope you do well lets see what happens.some people have a clever mind to recognize the small details of things lets see if you do.

Are you smart or not so much i like to see if people know things about my favorite movie of all time so lets see if you can notice the small things about the movie if you do good then you are a very clever person thank you

Created by: pamela wigfield
  1. what did the note say that jack gave rose when he left dinner
  2. How much money does jack tell rose he has in his pocket?
  3. when they are at the railing the second time when rose opened her eyes what did she say?
  4. what kind of stone did jack think the heart of the ocean necklace?
  5. what was rose wearing when jack drawing her?
  6. what did jack write on the bottom of the picture he drew of rose?
  7. why did rose want jack to draw her?
  8. when jack and rose are in the car jack beeped the horn and said where to miss what did rose say
  9. where was jack and rose when the ship hit the iceburg?
  10. when rose met jack at the clock what time did the clock say?

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Quiz topic: How well do I really know Titanic