How well do you know Zoe Sugg (ZOELLA)

There are many Zoella fans but who should get the best score :) If you get the best I will be extremely pleased with you! I wonder if you have watched enough videos and read enough blogs to be able to complete this test... Let's see!

So will you be able to do it? Will you be able to complete this quiz correctly in order to get a good score.... If you get a bad score I will not be please... Just saying!

Created by: matilda
  1. In what year was Zoe Sugg born?
  2. What is the title of the book Zoella recently made?
  3. Does she have a sibling? If so who?
  4. What is Zoella's parents names?
  5. does Zoella have pets ? if so what are their names?
  6. Does she have a vlog youtube channel if so what is it called?
  7. What is Zoe's favourite food?
  8. How many subscribers does Zoella have? (2015)
  9. Who's Zoe's boyfriend?
  10. Who is the best youtuberin the world?
  11. Hope you enjoyed it :) Did you?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Zoe Sugg (ZOELLA)