How well do you know your State Capitals?

The capital of a state is where most of it's state legislation and government offices, buildings, and people reside in. Beware, because the biggest city isn't always teh capital.

How well do you know your state capitals? This quiz will test your knowledge. If you've ever played the game Great States, this quiz will be easy for you. If not, cross your fingers!

Created by: tazemaster

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is the capital of Florida?
  2. What is the capital of Alaska?
  3. What is the capital of New Hampshire?
  4. What is the capital of Colorado?
  5. What is the capital of Montana?
  6. Mississippi
  7. Wisconsin
  8. California
  9. Alabama
  10. Louisiana

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Quiz topic: How well do I know my State Capitals?