How well do you know world geography?

This quiz is designed to test if you know some geography. There are a few tricky questions on here, but you'll make it through. You can do it. I know it.

Try this quiz to see how much you know. And hope you dont flop face first like oofus eef did when i said it. Mind the randomness, im just trying to get to 150 characters.

Created by: Robert
  1. Capital of USA
  2. What is the Capital of Germany
  3. What is the capital of Canada
  4. India's Capital?
  5. How about China?
  6. Now for some more difficult questions. How many autonomous regions does China have?
  7. What is the Oblast that is an exclave of Russia?
  8. What Mexican state is Tijuana in?
  9. What country was fromerly known as Ceylon?
  10. What is the smallest Canadian Province by population?
  11. What is the largest country by area in Africa
  12. What is the capital of Morocco
  13. What is the capital of Kazakhstan?
  14. What country is not one of the former Yugoslav Republics?
  15. What country was not one of the former Soviet Republics?
  16. Which countrt left the Warsaw Pact in 1960?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know world geography?
