How well do you know Watex?

DO YOU KNOW WATEX ON CLUB PENGUIN? TAKE THIS QUIZ TO FIND OUT Perion is pretty far away. The safest path in my opinion is to travel past Henesys and Ellinia and head north. You can always take the top left portal at the 3 way split, heading to Kerning, and continue to head north also. Either way, you will arrive at the most north city, Perion. When you are there, go to the highest portal and enter.

Perion is pretty far away. The safest path in my opinion is to travel past Henesys and Ellinia and head north. You can always take the top left portal at the 3 way split, heading to Kerning, and continue to head north also. Either way, you will arrive at the most north city, Perion. When you are there, go to the highest portal and enter. ASD

Created by: watex of Club Penguin Cheats
(your link here more info)
  1. Let's start off with an easy one: What color is Fever?
  2. What server does Fever like the most?
  3. Which of these has Watex NOT said before in a post?
  4. Name a free item that is NOT orange that Fever wears in CP.
  5. Name a music video Watex has done recently.
  6. What's the song Fever uses in his Mission Guide videos?
  7. What are the name of Watex's red and blue puffle?
  8. Who is Watex?
  9. What color are Fever's sunglasses?
  10. Which of these has Watex made before?
  11. Was Watex a member of Penguin Chat?
  12. What song did Watex have playing on his site during Christmas?
  13. Around how many cheats does Watex have?
  14. What was Watex's Book Contest story about?
  15. What was the port of Watex's first chatbox?
  16. How many betas has Fever met?
  17. Fever .... _______
  18. ____ ________ was the biggest army ever
  19. What emote have you seen Fever use in his pics?
  20. Which cheat did Fever teach you?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Watex?