How well do you know the pound puppy's

Btw people who are playing this I'm a kid btw and I worked hard on this so umm yeah I worked hard on this and I hope you people like the quiz!!!!!!!!!

This quiz is my first one ever someone inspired me to make it btw so yeah it's my first quiz and I hope a lot of people play it so yeah umm bye!!😀😄😃

Created by: Destiny
  1. Who's Cookies sister?
  2. Who's the dopey one?
  3. Who's the smart one?
  4. Who's the leader?
  5. What are the two things Squirt is scared of?
  6. Who's Rebounds owner?
  7. Who's the tough one?
  8. Who are the three pups of the secret pup club?
  9. Who's the street dog?
  10. Who's the one that loves to play

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the pound puppy's