How well do you know the pals

Are you a true pals fan.If not, let's see how much you know about the pals.Its ok if you don't know the pals very well but anyways your still a pals fan.

How well do you know the pals.Here a chance to take this quiz to find out how much you know about the pals.Do your very best and check out the pals channel.

Created by: Kimberly
  1. How old are the pals
  2. How many vids do the pals make each week
  3. Who is roommates with Denis
  4. How many members of the pals are there
  5. Who is the most popular person in the pals
  6. How many members of the pals had or have a pet
  7. How many members of the pals did at least one live stream
  8. Who is the least popular person in the pals
  9. How many members of the pals die the hair
  10. When is Denis birthday

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