How well do you know the lion king?

Lion king is a great movie, but not all know that much about it. As a true fan, I made this quiz to see what people know. Good luck and I hope you like it!

This is a difficult quiz for the true lion king fan. Do you have what it takes to get the pride of knowing you are a true fan of the lion king?

Created by: Imcool
  1. Simba's moms name is
  2. Which of these is a song in the Broadway play but not in the movie?
  3. What color are nala's eyes
  4. Finish the lyric Stealing through
  5. Which of these songs comes second?
  6. Who is sim a and mufasa's advisor?
  7. What is rafiki?
  8. What is Zazu?
  9. Where do young simba and nala go?
  10. What is the dialogue that happens between scar and mufasa just before mufasa dies?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the lion king?